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Welcome to the Snapdragon, Mirage & Invaders Association
The object of the Association is to provide an opportunity to exchange ideas and stimulate discussion about owning and sailing boats from the Snapdragon, Mirage and Invader classes. We also aim to provide assistance to others of the SMIA fraternity via our Facebook Page
The Association is open to all owners, past and present, of yachts which were built by Thames Marine Ltd., at Canvey Island or by Boating Scene. Further details about the Association can be found under the “Association” button above. Members have access to the “Members pages” which are password-protected where you can find out about the Association’s activities and technical information about these boats. Members also receive a twice yearly Journal with stories, hints and tips for maintaining our wonderful boats.
Photo credits:
Top-left: Steph H. - Nyang (Mirage 2700) - River Orwell, Suffolk
Peter B. - Amata (Snapdragon 890) - River Orwell, Suffolk
Middle right / Bottom left:
Adele E. - Miss Sable (Snapdragon 24) - Dunoon, Scotland
Top right / Bottom right:
Julian S. - Red Duster (Mirage 28) - Cornwall

Join us today and benefit from a wealth of knowledge
The members of the Association share a wealth of knowledge and information through the website and its Facebook pages. Our technical officer can advise members on most issues or point you in the right direction for help. It only costs £10 a year to join.

Our history
1959 Thames Structural Plastics formed by Len Wakefield and Ray Walsh at Rayleigh.
1962 The firm moves to Southend and the first boat; a Snapdragon 23 centre boarder is launched.
1964 Thames Structural Plastics moves to Canvey Island and is renamed Thames Marine.
1965 Snapdragon Association formed by Thames Marine.
1968 The SD 21 is launched in June and the 29 in November (The 29 later modified and renamed SD 890).
1968-74 The SD 600, 670, 24, 26 and 27 launched. TM licences the 670 to Iles of Norbury marketed as the Invader.
1975-80 TM launches the Mirages 27,28,29,30 and 37.
1975 The Association extends its membership to Mirages and Invaders.
1981 TM ceases manufacturing. Maplin Marine who cease trading after 12 months. Boating Scene takes over Mirages and SD 890.